Thursday, April 25, 2013

Shakespeare Unit: Intoducing Twelfth Night

This week we will use our Google ninja skills to research facts about Shakespeare's life, the Globe Theater, and Elizabethan England.  You will conduct your research in teams of four.  The following day you will use those interesting discoveries to compete in "The Circle of Knowledge Game".

Here is a look at the lesson we will be learning today about language in Shakespeare's time, more specifically insults!!  This should be fun ;)   Here is the link to the Ted-Ed video we will be watching   We will then flex our own language skills with a fun mixing/matching page with insults taken directly from the play Twelfth Night.    

*Just added to the classroom: 

"Wall of Shame" a place to write one Shakespearean insult a day per class ;)   Come and have a look!

QR scan codes on each group of desks to stay updated on the class blog. Download a QRL scanner to your smartphone today to give it a try!!

This week (May 6-10) we will be watching Twelfth Night the movie. Make sure you still have your character sheets to follow your character throughout the movie.
 Porfolios were due today, Monday May 6th.

Wednesday - Today you will be annotating your Emotional EKG by using the Twelfth Night text and Spark Notes  click on the link.  Complete your EKG with a partner!  

Wednseday 5/22 - Finishing draft of Twelfth Night portfolio paper. Revising with a parner and begin typing final. Work on for H.W., due tomrorrow in class.

5/28 This week we are taking scenes from Twelfth Night and learning them with a group. Each person will asume a character and learn the lines in order to perform a dramatic reading for their class next week in the auditorium.