Friday, June 19, 2015

Current Event Extended Response by ericka oplinger

Ericka Oplinger English
6/16/2015 Period8

Part 1 Context and Reflection
The assignment I chose is the “Current Event Extended Response” which is about a drone that crashed into the white house. What I learned from the article was that Drones have gone to far and are causing many problems. For example they started to question the security system at the white house. I chose this piece because it was short and one of the easiest pieces to revise. I made a little amount of changes to this piece. Such as, making it longer, explain why my quotes connected to my answers, and I also had to fix a few spelling errors. What I did to make this better was I looked up the article and added more information about the drones.    

Part 2                     Have Drones Gone Too Far?
In the article, “Have Drones Gone Too Far?”, Josh Lederman uses journalistic techniques including being objectivity. Firstly, objectivity is shown when the author says, “The drone crashed on the southeast side of the white house grounds. The incident occurred just after 3 a.m. Monday” (Lederman 1). This shows that drones can not always be controlled and can hurt someone if not careful. Also the author writes, “A small drone flying low to the ground crashed onto the White House grounds. It triggered a major emergency response,” (Lederman 2) . This quote shows that drones are setting off emergency responses which can cause major problems. Finally, this last quote is also from Lederman 3,  “And it raised fresh questions about security at the presidential mansion.” This means that because of the drone that crashed onto the white house property people are now starting to question the security that protects the white house grounds. The quotes that I chose connects to my answer because they both explain how drones are going too far by crashing into people's homes or buildings and how it's starting to lead to major difficulty. Also some people want their privacy, but that can't get that because there are cameras on some of the drones so they can record while they are in the sky. Furthermore this article is credible because it was based on evidence that happened. Obviously, Ledermans reliable article shows examples of the drones and how they're going too far.  

Part 3        About The Author
Hello, my name is Ericka Oplinger and I am in Mr. Scott's 8th period English. Last year I would consider myself as an average student, but this year my knowledge grew.  Over all I am a hardworking student. I have improved a lot since 6th grade. Both Mr.Scott and Ms. Redfield have thought me how to write a stronger essay. In the beginning of the year my writing wasn't as sophisticated as it is now. But this year, every time I write an extended response or essay my grade gets higher and higher. That shows that my English teachers have taught me a lot more about writing than I knew before. I believe that I have improved a lot as a 7th grade English student.