Friday, June 19, 2015

Neil Brand                                                                                                            6-19-15
English Period 1

Context Reflection
For my exam I will be revising one of my slice of lifes. I have changed the piece by adding more parts and I changed my spelling on the words that were spelled wrong. I chose this piece because it was good but it still needed improvement. This piece is about the time I used a magnifying glass to burn items from the recycling and went to the pool. I think it needed improvement so I added some more descriptive words.
Slice of life
I grabbed a box from the recycling and I threw it on the ground. I grabbed my magnifying glass and held it over the box. It was a warm sunny day so the weather was at optimal conditions. After a little bit the box started to smoke then it caught on fire and started to burn. As I watched the box became engulfed in flames. Then the wind started to pick up and the box got pushed towards the grass. I ran after it and started kicking the fire out. When the fire was finally out I grabbed my magnifying glass and went inside.
I decided to go to the pool in my neighborhood to cool off. I went upstairs and changed into my swimsuit and got some money to buy snacks. Then I put on sunscreen and walk outside. I ran to the pool and when I got their I only saw a few people. I went over to the vending machine and put in 75 cents so I could buy a snack. I decided to buy a Ring Pop because they last longer than the other snacks do. That’s important because than I’ll have something to eat. When I was finished with my Ring Pop I threw the wrapper away and jumped into the pool. I swam around for a little over an hour until I finally got out. I grabbed my towel and I went back home. When I got back home I got changed and ate dinner. The rest of the night was boring because I didn't do much. At about 11:30 I got tired and finally fell asleep.  

About the Author
My name is Neil Brand. I am a 7th grade student and I have changed a lot as a writer.I have changed as a reader because now I can write faster than before. I also know a lot more descriptive words. I believe that I have become a more fluent writer because I have been reading more. I have changed a lot as a writer because I have learned more words and learned more writing techniques over the past school year.         


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