Thursday, June 18, 2015

Caroline Hayes final- In the darkness

                                    In the darkness

Caroline Hayes                                                                                                         English
6-16-15                                                                                                                     Period-3rd

I woke up feeling sick, and worried. I felt like I was being watched by something that I wasn’t able to see. I stood up, and I felt dizzy, like how you would feel as if you just stood up after being on a spinning roller coaster. I felt a cold, fast breeze brush against my neck, which was very weird, because I have neither a window, nor a fan in my room. My mom wasn’t home, so I was alone in my home, and terrified. I had no idea why I felt like this, because I was perfectly fine last night. I looked up, seeing something very strange in the mirror on my bedroom wall. I saw a reflection, and it looked like a blob of smoke. I looked down, not wanting to scare myself by wondering what that was, that I saw. I was thinking, “Was that a ghost?” “Was that smoke?” I kept on over thinking , what that was I saw. Something told me to courage myself in putting my head back up to see if it were still there, so I looked up, and nothing was there.   Now that is what made my stomach drop like a stone off of a building. I went downstairs to avoid the thing that frightened me.  I decided to make something to eat, so I made pancakes for breakfast. I heard a loud thump above me. I wondered what it was, so I went upstairs to check out what it was. I walked very slowly up the stairs terrified, I listened very carefully, and I heard a window being smashed like how it would sound as if you would drop and smash a dish on the floor. I finally reached the top of the stairs, as I tried to swing open the door quickly to get this frightening scene  over with. But the door was locked! I never locked it, how could it have been locked? I was very scared. I could smell smoke, like those hot days we would light up a fire pit, and roast marshmallow. This was not normal to smell in a house, or in a bedroom. I tried to push the door open once again, and it was still locked. So I ran down the stairs, locked the door behind me, and waited till mom came home. I heard keys unlocking the front door, it was mom.

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