Friday, June 19, 2015

Felix Fairbrother                                                                                                  English
6/17/2015                                                                                                          period 4th


Context and Reflection

I chose my Nanowrimo excerpt because it was good but it needed some work. I am showing off everything I learned about writing since I wrote this in the beginning of the year.I chose this piece because I enjoyed writing it and I thought it was interesting.This part of the story was about a teenage boy surviving in the the forests of Alaska. I made many changes to this piece. Some were just to spelling but some changed the whole story. These changes made the piece better because they made it more clear and exciting! 
Excerpt from Brett's adventures
The wolves charged after the winded buck.  Brett  took a second to catch his breath then continued on after the Wolves ,he  was not going to lose that deer. He been alone in the forest with no food for days and he was so  hungry. He wasn’t even afraid of the wolves anymore!  It was the middle of winter in the barren forests of Alaska and food was scarce.Brett  counted his arrows ,he only had three left. He still had his hunting knife though. Brett  moved quietly  along  a little stream that was completely frozen over.It looked like the wolves were gone. He looked around quickly, his adrenaline pumping then he followed  the fresh tracks of the deer  . The tracks moved alongside the frozen brook. The deer stood in the middle of the river, it had not even noticed Brett yet.Had it lost the Wolves? It was well within range. Brett stepped carefully on to  the ice, he took a knee and drew a black arrow. Just then he heard something running through the forest. The thin ice vibrated and shook . Brett turned his head ,he saw the four wolves sprint around the bend in the river and continue to run right at him! He whipped his bow around and shot at the oncoming wolves. The arrow glanced off the face of the largest wolf, he yelped in pain and then continued the hunt. Now Brett knew what it felt like to be the prey !

I stood there in a daze for a moment then I ran!
“ How Ooo”  a chill  ran down the back of my neck  as the wolf's  melancholy  howl pierced the new night air.  They were gaining on me I would never make it! Then I had an idea. I dropped down on to the ice and drew my knife. “crack” the ice splintered as I smashed the hilt of my  knife through it! Before I had time to think I was in the frigid water.  The Wolves growled with hostility as the passed me by and pursed the buck. I was to tired to move and my limbs were numb from the cold. Slowly I drifted down stream. I tried hard to keep my eyes open because I knew that if I fell asleep I would never make it out of the river alive! My frosted eyes slowly shut then everything went black.  

                                                About the Author
I am Felix Fairbrother a 7th grade student at Dewitt middle school. I a good english student and my reading and writing skills have improved alot since last year.For example I wrote a lot more this year then I did last year I have learned alot over the past year in english and I hope this piece shows that.

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