Friday, June 19, 2015

Slice of Life Final

Chris Dev                                                                              6/19/15
English                                                                                  Period 3
When I was first introduced to this assignment, the first piece of writing that came to mind was my slice of life paragraphs. I like these pieces because it allows me to describe what has happened in my life which is sometimes hard to portray if you were writing a fictional story about yourself. When I looked through the numerous slice of life writings that I have created, I choose this one because I believe that it clearly shows off my ability as a writer and what I can do to add drama, excitement and action. When I sat down and deeply analyzed this piece of writing, I concluded to make many changes such as grammar and spelling errors. These changes will help with the smoothness and ease of reading of the piece. I also noticed that there were some context errors which depreciated the moral value of this writing. By having context errors, the whole theme of the story is thrown off and confuses the reader about what might be happening at that section. Each one of these changes to the story will bring out the messages and values, such as action and romance, that might not be noticeable if these errors remain in the story.  

Just an Ordinary Day
On a blistering hot day in the middle of July, my family and I were riding on a boat up on Lake George in the Adirondack Mountains. The weather was the best it could ever be. The place that we had originally gotten the boat from was in the town of which we were staying, but the part that we were boating in was where there were barely any houses or docks, mainly wilderness. After about a half of an hour of swimming my brother looked up to see that there was an enormous black cloud headed our way. We nervously crept onto the boat as we examined the phenomenon coming our way.  Then we realized that the storm had covered the place where we had rented our boat which meant that if we tried turning back now, we would only be bringing ourselves into the heart of this death storm. We then drove at full throttle away from the storm but after about 5 minutes of riding realized that there would be no way that we could out run this storm. The boat that we were on had no cabin and was covered in metal which means that it would be a hotspot for a lightning storm. My mother had started to panic and put all of our food in a compartment so that it would not get wet. I was starting to feel a little queasy about what would happen next until, like a sending from god, I noticed a beaten down shack way off in a cluster of trees and shrubs. It even had a dock.
“Hey!” I blared over the noisy sounds of wind and thunder.
“There’s a house with a dock over there!”
My dad squinted through the rain and shouted back
“I see it to!” He screamed.
As we steered the boat into the dock my dad told me to jump into the water and grasp a rope attached to the boat so that we could tie it to the dock. He told me that there were too many rocks for him to pull the boat into next to the dock. At this point, I had a surge of fear rush through my body like stepping outside with no clothes on a freezing winter day. After tying the rope to the dock, I scrambled back onto the boat to bring some of the towels off to put on the dock because of how soaked they were getting. My brother, dad and mom were now sitting on the dock watching the storm. I came over to them and told them I would go knock on the door of the house just to make sure that there was no one home. I went over and knocked three times. No answer. I knocked again. As I reached for the handle, the door suddenly inched open from the wind of the storm. I poked my head inside to see that there was no one there. The lights were out and unfortunately the people that were living there must have forgot to un clog their toilet. I shouted back over to my parents.
“You can come in! There’s no one here!”
They scrambled over to me and came inside. We were drenched and it was nice to have a roof over our head. We sat on the one bench sitting in the middle of what looked like was the main room for almost 4 hours. My dad took out his phone and tried to call the local coastguard but there was no cell service out here in the wilderness. We decided that we should just wait out the storm. My mom took out our soggy lunches and gave them to my dad and I. As I watched the rain poor down on the lake, I remembered how just a couple hours back, the sun was out and there were no clouds in the sky. I then wondered what might be happening right now if we hadn’t found this shack or the tiny dock. I sat and ate my sandwich for another hour until the rain had finally started to slow down. I stepped outside to see that the sun was finally starting to come out again. My dad checked his phone and saw that we had been sitting in that room for a good 5 hours. It was now 4 in the afternoon and we were all still very hungry. We stepped outside and got back onto our boat. My dad was then able to get cell service so he called the boat rental place and informed them what had happened. After all, we had only rented the boat for 3 hours and we exceeded that limit by two hours. We arrived at the boat shop and parked it in the garage. We then jumped into our soaking car and drove home so we could each take steaming hot showers.


As a student, school was never really my FAVORITE thing. I have been at Dewitt Middle School for 2 years now and my thoughts about school have definitely changed in a good way. Not only have I been able to thrive in my English experiences but I have also been able to successfully gain knowledge about writing and context. When I had started this year, I had no idea about context clues or figurative language. Now that I have gained all of this useful knowledge, I can use in my writings such as the one I presented above. Each day in English class is an opportunity to learn, and I will keep learning until my English class ends. (Hopefully never :)

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