Friday, June 19, 2015

Reflections 101:

This piece was originally an incomplete slice of life, and was probably the one that I put the most effort on. This piece of writing is about the day that I had to wear those shoes. (If you remember what happened that day) It’s a slice that recreates a day of my incredible life. (Sarcasm was used in the making of this sentence) I will be showing off my incredible fashion statements, my feet, my gums, my GUMS, my grammar and my descriptive language in my piece. I chose this piece for several reasons. I wanted to share that amazing day in my life, make it include more details  and since I wanted to actually finish the piece itself.

The Infamous, Notorious, Horrible and Strangely most Anticipated Day of my: Kelvin Wang’s Life

It was originally a dare… that escalated at an insane pace. I would’ve never thought that this would’ve happened to moi. It was on the fifteenth day of May, in the year 2015. I was on the bus, ready for a day of happiness. I had just eaten delicious Ramen Noodles and my mind was on the delicious noodles and beef flavor in my mouth. Yet my joyous mood came collapsing down and adjusted into a mood of fear, worry and lots of anticipation. I had remembered that I needed to wear those filthy, four inch heels!  I mean, four freaking inches! I know that I was “dared” to do it by a girl who shall be unnamed and that I have to do it, yet this was going to be extremely embarrassing!  The shoes were to be supplied by the infamous, notorious (Name cannot be written due to copyright reasons) and I was so going to kill her after this. As I arrived to school, I quickly rushed into school and charging head long into the library. I rushed to the nearest computer and decided to play to get a hold on my nerves. Moving my mouse at lightning speeds, I quickly ate my way to first place and I gave a demonic laugh that earned some creepy looks from some innocent bystanders. Quickly returning to my amazing, wonderful, luxurious game that is available to the public, I continued to devour little cells in my way. Suddenly, the bell rang and it plunged me back into the reality of the shoes.
It was now fourth period, the period (also called science) where I was supposed to receive “the goods.” Luckily, there was a sub, therefore meaning that we would be watching a video so I could put on the shoes earlier! Hooray! I sat in my seat, a blank expression on my face, showcasing my enthusiasm for this “activity” There, I saw the supplier with a bag, filled with… two pairs of shoes? She went up to me and told me that she brought the heels and also another pair of flats that were equally embarrassing. When I asked why she brought two pairs of shoes, the answer that I received was that the actual heels would probably be too small for me since they were too small for her. In conclusion, I got to wear her mom’s shoes. Huzzah! As I was examining the great shoes, this unnamed girl shouted towards the whole class, saying that I was to put on these ridiculous dress shoes. Face palming, I waited for the sub to finish his long lecture on paying attention, (directed to the class) and got ready to put on the shoes. When the video started, I finished my note taking and tried to delay putting on the shoes for as long as possible. When I finally couldn’t delay any longer, I put on the shoes. My initial thought was, this is so uncomfortable, followed with the thought, I hate this, and finally followed with: How am I gonna walk in public with these shoes on? After all the pictures and flashes that followed this historic event, it was time for lunch! Great, I thought.
Getting my lunch wasn’t too hard, yet stopping my friends and other random people I knew from ruining my chicken nugget lunch was annoying. I kept noticing these eighth graders staring at me and they went to interrogate a group of girls that I knew who laughed at me. Apparently they thought that either there was something wrong with my mind, or I was transgender, because they didn't’ know why I was wearing those shoes and I was angry at those girls for being rude. That was very embarrassing! After that, many other embarrassing things followed until I went home, with an expression of embarrassment, and the deepest look of regret plastered onto my face.

MY life story:

Hey guys! My name is kelvin Wang and I’m a seventh grader of the fire ant’s team. i like to watch movies, play video games, make videos and use lots of sarcasm. I feel as if i have improved a lot in English since last year. I have a better understanding of how to organize a document, how to make it appear funny and how to pay attention to the small details in the writing itself. I’ve learned a lot about the structure of pieces in literature and how to “bend” what I’ve learned, into something that I can proudly state as an original. I’ve improved greatly through gaining little bits of tips and information about writing, and transferring them into my writing. I hope that my story entertained anyone who doesn’t have the attention span of a baby and read through my piece.
Thanks for reading!

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