Friday, June 19, 2015

Flynn McCarthy                                                                                                               6/18/15
Period 3                                                                                                                            English

                                                                      English Final


         This excerpt is from my Nanowrimo Stranded. This part takes place after the aircraft crashes and they're caught in the desert trying to find food. No one else is alive except for James and the protagonist. They're in an Arabian desert where it's over 105 degrees all the time.


         “Crunch, crunch, crunch” said the sand as I trudged through it. I was on a the quest for food. A chill went down my back as I thought of having to eat the dead passengers, but that was last resort. While I was sitting down with James talking about needing food, in the corner of my eye, I realized that there was a little dune to our right about two-hundred yards away. I was wondering what was on the other side and if there was food. But first, I thought, I need a weapon. That couldn’t be that hard I thought. All I had to do was find a sharp shard of the aircraft that had broken off and I would be able to use it was a knife. Well, I soon found out it wasn’t that easy to find a shard of aircraft the size of a knife or small sword. I spent forty five minutes in the burning hot sand trying to find a knife. At last I found one, I reached down to pick it up. “OWWWW” I yelped, the shard of metal was practically burning in this sun. I stood there for a second thinking of how to pick it up. Then I got an idea, I took off my shirt and rolled it around the shard, then grabbing it without letting it touch skin I walked all          
the back to our little shelter in the shade. I was going to find a shard and then go over the dune but since the shard was so hot I decided to go in the shade and cool the shard down. When I got back everything was the same and James was asleep. I knelt down in the shade a dug a little hole to the cool sand and then put the shard in and covered it. In about ten minutes I estimated it would be cool enough for me to go over the dune, and see what was on the other side. About five minutes into the wait for it to cool down, James woke up. He blinked a couple times, then he said “hey” in a low crackled voice. He coughed and let a little groan escape his lips. I asked “how are you feeling?” He took a couple seconds before answering and then said “my injuries are feeling better but my throat is dry as a bone.” I looked over and reached for the canteen. “It’s empty” said James as I picked it up. Sure enough it was light and definitely no water in it. I sighed  "I guess water is on the menu too." "Good luck" he said.

About the author

       This year I've grown as a author in many ways, but most of all, I let my imagination take over my writing. I think, it makes for a better story and it's more enjoyable for me and others to read. At the beginning  of  7th grade I was just a boring writer who didn't add any kind of excitement in my stories. But now, especially after the Nanowrimo experience really let me grow as a writer. Now, when I write a novel, I'm satisfied with the outcome. I enjoy writing in realistic fiction on the future. I find that I can let my imagination loose.

1 comment:

  1. About the author

    My name is Tony Kinchen and I go to dewitt middle school. As an english student i’ve always enjoyed it when we did story creating assignments. I enjoyed the fact that i could create a story in just a matter of minutes just by creating a fantasy world. I have enjoyed english this year because i learned new skills that can assist me in creating my own adventure stories.

    Alpha Team

    Prologue: Welcome to our lives

    Before I tell you this, you have to do something for me. You have to open your minds to the impossible. The reason I’m telling you this is because what I am about to tell you may seem somewhat as a sci fi adventure movie, but unfortunately its my life, our lives. Jack, Max, Ryla, and myself were not your typical teenagers. A scientific division in U.S.A’s biological weapons division genetically altered us to be used as biological warfare weapons, living weapons. Each of us were genetically changed so that are skin creates an armor stronger than titanium that gives us unreal abilities. We were each given a specific ability assigned to us based on our height, age, and blood type under the codename of “cyber soldiers”.
    Unfortunately, our armors are genetically grafted into us. If we try to separate ourselves from our armors it will be as trying to rip our skin off our flesh. We were each supposed to be sent to different parts of the U.S (Washington, Texas, Mexico you name it) to be used as a last resort to contain things normal police forces could not handle such as riots and revolts. A couple others including myself were deemed “successful” and were going to be shipped out as a new type of law enforcement in Mexico to keep riots from breaking out as they did over the discussion about the border control crisis. Luckily, though we escaped when a “failed experiment” created with a self-destruct feature spontaneously exploded. We managed to leave unnoticed but ever since we have had to deal with agents, generals, and scientist that either wanted to use us as weapons or experiments. However, they were nothing compared to Omega. In case you are wondering Omega is basically our hunter and were the prey. For every group of Alphas there was one Omega to keep them in check. After the factory explosion only one Omega remained operational and he was sent out by the agents to find everyone like us. I know what you are thinking “big deal one guy wants to capture you” but this is not a normal agent we can take in 2 minutes, he has armor that adapts to any cyber soldier he is sent after. Armor that is genetically grafted into his DNA just like ours.

    Now that I got that unpleasant business out of the way, let me tell you about my family. Jack goes to fast, literally he can go up to 475 miles a minute! He is 5 feet four inches 13 years old tan and extremely annoying (don't tell him I said that or I’ll never hear the end of it). Max is a young African boy the same height and age as Jack and is Jack's partner in crime. He can generate electronic shields that spring up on command and can be thrown as hand grenades. He mainly uses this ability to prank us and then uses the shields as protection from our wrath (literally), but in general their both good kids that look out for each other as brothers. Ryla is the same age as me and is 5 feet 4 inches has blackish brown hair and she is able to sense other living things life signature a mile away, if it was not for her we would have been caught by Omega or the Agents a long time ago. Ryla and I are the oldest ones in the group and Jack and Max are the youngest ones in the group. We may all come from different pasts but we are all a family and we share the same future. Who am I you ask? My name is Jason I’m 6 feet 2 inches 16 years old and I am 15 times stronger than the strongest man in the world. Welcome to our lives!
