Friday, June 19, 2015


Ian Robertson                                                                                                                   6/19/15
English                                                                                                                              P.8
Final Project Part I
The piece I chose to revise is the first chapter from my NaNoWriMo book A Study in Fried Chicken. This was an interesting choice on my part, because In my opinion the books we students wrote were rushed, and not our best writing. This made it a challenge to edit the GUMS. The status that this chapter in was not the best, I ended up rewriting entire sections of the piece.
In the end I think I did a good job at revising the chapter And I hope people enjoy It.

Final Project Part II

The blackness slowly evaporated as I looked around. My head pounded as Tried to retrace my steps. I had no idea where I was. small camera In the corner suddenly turned to face me. I heard a crash as sudden footsteps ran In my direction. A door flew open, and colors poured  in, blinding me in the process. A figure stood to face me. I heard something coming from his dark silhouette. It was nonsense, that I could barely hear.
“I like chum fun.” The figure said
“what?” I shouted
“Isaac come on!” he replied
I immediately understood, not thinking of my safety I ran after him. We bounded down a dark hallway, dimmed with red light. Slippery rocks were littered around the floor. I went for a closer look. They were Chicken Legs!
“what are these supposed to be?” I shouted to the strange boy
“I’ll explain later, just follow me.” He scolded
We ran down the dark hallway, unaware of our surroundings. Then suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw something flutter. I immediately ran faster, not wanting to find out what was behind my newly found acquaintance and I.
I looked ahead and found a hole in the floor, Three tall greasy, Chicken legs crawled out of the gap. Without warning, The kid with me pulled out a water gun at shot three quick blasts, of boiling hot liquid at the abominations. Their campaign was short lived as they melted to the ground.
“What are those things!?” I shouted
“Walking pieces of corrupt chicken. created by Colonel sanders to oppose all the taco bells of the world.
At first we thought they were good. But after all the taco bells were destroyed, They needed a new prey and started attacking us.”
“What did you use to destroy them?” I questioned
“It’s a water gun with water. It’s the easiest way to kill them.” He replied
We ran on till we came out of the building. Outside waited a Car, fully jacked up with anti chicken stickers. I excitedly walked over. As I walked a flying tofu thing flew out. Knocking me down in the process.
“what is that?”
“It’s a tofu, You're tofu to be exact.”
“and why does it fly?”
“After the KFC takeover, there was absolutely zero Taco bells. so the world had to use Tofu as the symbol for the Resistance.”
“But why does it fly, you didn’t answer my question.” I exclaimed
“They harnessed the power of Tru G, and this made them able to fly.” He replied
“ Cool, one final thing, why exactly was I in there?”
“You were the leader of the resistance, until Colonel sanders sent his chicken minions to capture, brainwash, and use you against the resistance.” He finished
I nodded still not sure what was going on. I was filled with a sick feeling as I looked at the tofu fluttering away.

Final Project Part III
Hello my name is Ian Robertson, I am a seventh grader at Dewitt Middle School. I thought that this chapter from My NANOWRIMO book would be a definite challenge, and would test my skill as a writer. Although this is not a professional piece of writing I believe it is a vast improvement over my writing last year. I believe that I can improve more if I work toward a goal.

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